
Explore My News,
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It was our first day in Pacasmayo, Peru. It was a beautiful day, the kind of day where you just want to spend every minute you can outside. The sun was shining, the sky was a bright blue, and there was a nice breeze in the air. Yet myself and two of my teammates found ourselves in the back of a Peruvian police truck. 

Why, you might ask? Well, we had arrived in Pacasmayo early that morning after an overnight bus trip from Lima. When we went to collect our luggage, we discovered that mine and one of my teammates big packs were not on the bus. Originally, we were under the impression that our packs had simply been put on another bus by mistake. A couple of hours later, after our ministry host was able to communicate with the bus company, we realized that they were most likely stolen.  Needless to say, we spent several hours with the local police following them around town as they gathered information and filed the police report. 
Throughout this whole situation the Lord has been so kind to us. The majority of our belongings were stolen.  This included our clothes, tent, sleeping bag, and sleeping pad (our beds if none are provided), among other things.  Yet our reactions were not at all what would be considered typical in this type of situation.  We were both very calm and filled with so much peace and that can only be a gift from the Lord. 
Honestly, it’s been really cool to see how God has provided for us.  We now have new packs and some amazing former racers have offered to donate some of their old gear.  Also, one of my squadmates is going back to the States for a week in December for a wedding so I am able to get a few things from home. 
Overall, I am doing great. I really enjoy our location and ministry for the month.  Keep an eye out for my next blog to find out more about what ministry looks like this month! 

12 responses to “How I Found Myself in the Back of a Peruvian Police Truck”

  1. Praying for you. I look forward to reading your posts. God is good and faithful all the time!

  2. So proud of your faith and grateful for His faithfulness. Such an encouragement to hear!
    We love you!!

  3. Thank you! My team just got done reading through the book of James and I love that passage!

  4. You and Adi were so calm in this situation, where I feel like I wouldn’t have been. But it was so sweet to see how God provided (both peace and new stuff) in what is usually such a stressful situation!

  5. What an adventure. I love your attitude of being calm. It looks like God is providing for you and you will have a great story to tell. Can’t wait to meet up again.

  6. What a sickening feeling that must have been to discover your packs had been stolen! I’m sooooo impressed by the calmness with which you handled the situation and how God provided what you needed in several ways! That had to be a bit traumatic. I will pray for all future travel days include your packs arriving with you at the same time you do!